
Salter (Michael) was born and raised on the east coast, RI, CT, NC. and came to Eugene 12 years ago for a gig at the University. Salter completed the first Yoga Teacher Training of Sweaty Ganesh Yoga, which is now named Wild Light Yoga Center.

In addition to teaching some yoga, he is an artist and a professor. He is constantly asking himself 2 things. Who am I? + Why am I here? Teaching and connecting with people get him closer to those answers every day. He also finds meaning by taking special notice of the world we live in, and creatively producing based on his observations. He draws a lot, makes stuff, surfs, snowboards, SUP and likes to cook.

My biggest lessons learned through teaching and practicing yoga is that we’re stronger than we realize, a daily yoga practice is entirely sustainable, and limits found today can be breathed past tomorrow.


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