The gift and challenge of running a yoga studio is weaving yoga into the very way we exist as a business. That means cultivating mindfulness, kindness and compassion in everything we do.
For that reason, sustainability is a huge priority for us.
We’re thrilled to announce we’ve been officially certified as a sustainable business through BRING’s RE:think Business program! To attain certification, SGY worked one-on- one with a
sustainability expert to assess opportunities and make on-the- ground changes throughout our
operations. Areas of consideration included: energy efficiency and conservation, water conservation, water quality and purchasing.
We are particularly happy to report that a lot of our daily practices were already in line with BRING’s requirements!
Many of you spend a good deal of time and effort trying to reduce your impact on our planet’s health, so rest assured that your yoga practice isn’t adding an undue amount to your global footprint.
For more information on the RETHINK Business Program, you can visit their website.